Author name: PU Arsitektur


Reimagining Peruri Office

Daur Rupa Ruang Kerja Eksplorasi Untuk Kota Peruri M Bloc Academy berkolaborasi dengan Arsitektur UPH untuk  mengeksplorasi ruang dan cara bekerja di Kota Peruri. Kolaborasi tersebut menjadi bagian dari Studio Riset-Desain Arsitektur 3 tahun ajaran 23/24. Lima proyek dari mahasiswa mewakili ragam tema eksplorasi yaitu eksplorasi  intervensi publik, eksplorasi atmosfir, eksplorasi program, dan eksplorasi sirkulasi. […]


Design of Healing And Working Space Gen-Z With Salutogenic Design Approach At Dukuh Atas- Jakarta

By : Jack Yang | ArchUPH 2020 Generation Z stands at the forefront of attention, their deep connection to technology. Yet, this engagement often invites unwarranted criticism from preceding generations, leading to heightened levels of anxiety and depression among Indonesia’s Youth. This Project explores how “Healing” spaces and the concept of “work-life balance,” approached through


Vista Verde 

By: Sheren Chelovna | ArchUPH 2022 Nestled among verdant rice paddies and tranquil forest in Ubud. This dining destination offers a unique experience amidst nature’s beauty. With three distinct dining areas, visitors can enjoy captivating views from three different levels. The ground floor provides an intimate forest encounter, while the first floor offers panoramic forest


The Office as An Ecosystem

By: Kenenza Woosnam | ArchUPH 2021 As Peter Zumthor describes, architectural atmospheres are not just physical spaces but also emotional and experiential realms that profoundly influence our perception and behavior within them. Departing from this understanding, our focus shifts to transforming offices from mere workspaces into vibrant hubs of life and culture, where creativity thrives



The second-year architecture design studio at UPH offers a comprehensive program divided into two phases. The first phase, known as the Research Studio, focuses on equipping students with essential skills and knowledge to tackle design projects. Here, students learn research methodologies, data analysis, and develop creative solutions for complex design challenges. The second phase is


Prospectus 22/24

This edition of the archUPH prospectus contains the works and activities from the Architecture Department at UPH for the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024. These past two years mark the end of the 2020 operational curriculum. A dominant development in this curriculum is the presence of the Architectural Research Studio (SRA) in the odd semester


Theoretical Hybrid

Buku ini merupakan rekaman seminar kuliah “Theoretical Hybrid” di Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Pelita Hara­pan untuk mendukung tema besar pameran yang bertajuk “Hybridtual”. lstilah “Hybridtual” adalah neologisme yang menggabungkan kata ”hybrid” dan “habit.” Fokus utama dari seminar ini adalah pada konsep hybrid, yang mengarah pada pemahaman tentang fenomena dan dinamika transisi antara berbagai elemen seperti


Prospectus 22/23

We present the Architecture UPH Prospectus 2022/2023 as a compilation of activities and achievements that we have produced for one year. Last year was the second year that UPH Architecture Study Program implemented the 2020 curriculum. In this curriculum, the studio process changed from 1 semester to 2 semesters for each class. The Architectural Research


Perancangan Bangunan Joglo Kesenian Berkonsep Multifungsi Polyvalent Melalui Pendekatan Transitory dan Convertible Spaces Contoh Postingan Web Arch

By : Ferdinandus Pradipta Yudha | ArchUPH 2020 Bangunan Joglo merupakan cagar budaya arsitektur Jawa di Indonesia yang mulai ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat karena kebutuhan mereka yang terus berubah seiring berjalannya waktu. Aspek tersebut diperburuk oleh kenyamanan ruang dan fungsi bangunan yang kurang maksimal dan terlalu statis, sehingga penghuni bangunan Joglo merasa enggan untuk hidup di

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