Prospectus 21/22

Welcome to Architecture UPH Prospectus 2021/2022. This book will present to you the compilation of our activities and achievements in the past year as a whole study program of architecture. Prospectus 2021/2022 is arranged based on our curricular structure with Studio as its core and four other supporting fields of studies; i.e Theory and History, Urban and Settlement, Technique and Technology, and Design and Architectural Professions. Last year was a huge challenge for the world of education given that all of us had to go through it remotely from our respective homes. While our education system is changing, our students and lecturers have been attempting to close this gap by finding ways to be able to explain and simulate materials that used to be done tangibly, digitally. Many learning methods had to be re-adjusted to meet with the potencies of many digital platforms. These conditions have sparked a new way of architecture, in which the results are reflected in our pedagogy and products that we are going to show you through Prospectus 2021/2022. Time will not repeat itself, and changes are always bound to happen. New year comes with new challenges as well as new hopes and dreams. The one thing that will never change in UPH Architecture Study Program is our students’ and lecturers’ spirit to constantly explore architecture and transform ways of thinking in order to consistently be able to face challenges and participate in changing society. By reading Prospectus 2021/2022, we hope that you get the big picture of our passion to solve every problem in architecture; as well as on how we are going to roam the 2021/2022 school year with great amounts of creative energy.

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